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Friday, May 27, 2011

carpet cleaning Barrington

Today we got a call from a new client in Barrington. He'd had a flood and wanted us to clean the carpets after they'd been dried out. too bad he didn't call us first. the guy who did his job ripped out the padding when he didn't need to.

one concern the client had was the rust stains caused by leaving metal on the wet carpet.

we have special products to remove the rust. they're especially nice because the rinse clean, free of residue.

after cleaning and removing the rust and edge cleaning we gave it the once over and the man was shocked at how nice things looked.

"These carpets look brand new."

some times those comments make it all worth while.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

carpet cleaning Clarendon Hills--spot cleaning

one of our regular clients had an issue about spots coming back. turns out there was some misdirection on my part on how to use our carpet spotter.

the carpet cleaning job in Clarendon Hills was for Peg, a client since her kids were in diapers and now they're were in grade school. the spots she tried to clean had halo's around each one.

My bad. I neglected to tell her to lightly mist the free refillable spotter bottles on the spots. she was soaking them and getting halo donuts of wick back. lightly mist the fluid on the spot and blot with a fresh white cloth. white because when you scrub your brains out with that red towel you work pink dye into the carpet that I have real trouble removing. Okay?

after cleaning if there is still a stain, go a little heavier with the spotter then fold over a small hand towel, white please, and put it on the spot and put a few books on the towel to weigh it down. as the carpet wicks up the stain will wick into the towel and the carpet will be spot free.

Carpet Cleaning Naperville

Following up on another Groupon offering we went out to Naperville yesterday to clean a few rooms. The home owners were very nice. It was graduation day for their oldest daughter and they wanted much of the carpet cleaned on the second floor.

The issue on this job was pet urine removal and mystery stains. If we know what the stain is we can do a better job by choosing the right chemical. the dog pee was easy. the mystery stains were another matter. some lifted right up with prespray. some required heavy duty scrubbing with orange gel and a special tool.

alls well that ends well-- after a ton of scrubbing and rinsing other things to make everything on this naperville carpet cleaning job go just right.

Carpet Cleaning in Oak Park # 1

We got the call to come to Oak Park to clean some carpets and rugs. It was part of our latest Groupon offering. The home was four stories going straight up. Her concerns were her daughters room and the stairs. they had a big labridoodle who had a few accidents.

Our biggest challenge was not carpet cleaning, it was the stairs. one of two sets of stairs we handle ever day. four flights was a killer. we'd get all the way to the top and realize we forgot something back in the truck. many things.

then it started to rain. big time. once you're soaked you can only get so wet so we slogged though the rain and cleaned the carpets. then a valve opened by it self in our truck and we lost pressure.

back down 4 flights and closed the valve. back up 4 flights. no pressure. back down. now a hose burst. bummer. we swapped it out and rocked again. It was as if the forces of the unseen, and not the good ones, were working against us.

tempers flared as carpets took on new life.

the final capper was this beige wool area rug in the dining room. very soiled. very dirty. "I don't know if i should have it cleaned or throw it out." she told us.

Please let us try. It won't cost much and you can always throw it out later if you're not happy.

we pulled out all the stops and got it really clean. so much so she marveled at our handiwork.

Next time we go to Oak Park to clean, we'll try to pick a client with an elevator.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Carpet Cleaning Carol Stream.

a pleasant couple in Carol Stream got in our our latest deal. her chief concern was the traffic lanes down the hall and between the couches.

her situation was not a new one but still difficult to accept. she had apparent soiling. the carpet fibers had been worn down in these traffic lanes and no amount of cleaning would ever restore the scored and chipped carpet fibers.

we cleaned it as best as we could and explained to the lady of the house that wearing your shoes indoors brings in grit and gravel and acts like sand paper to grind down your carpets to worthless fibers. take your shoes off. swap out your vac bags when they are half full because they are working with half strength when half full. have your carpets cleaned every 12-18 months.

Carpet Cleaning LaGrange

We had a promotion and were called to a lovely home in LaGrange. a bedroom, a set of stairs and an area rug.

after thorough vacuuming we uncovered some mystery stains. they resisted most of the products we applied to remove them. finally we came up with a special combination of gels and orange solvents. little by little the stains began to lift and budge. we rinsed away the reside and protected everything.

the area rug was a very low nap finely made piece of work. our wand actually stuck to the floor several times while we cleaned it. when it got wet it smelled like pee so we treated the surface with a topical application just to address the odor.

things looked wonderful and the lady of the home was very gracious and gave our guys a drink of water before they headed out to the next job. If you have carpets in LaGrange that need cleaning please give us a call.

carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn, 5

Berber carpet is some of the most durable and difficult to clean.

a new client in asked us to clean their garden apartment in Glen Ellyn and had real concerns about the carpet responding to our cleaning.

Because of its construction Berber wears like iron. It also cleans like iron. very difficult to really get things clean because there are so many loops and tuffs going everywhere.

carpet cleaning in this Berber Carpet in Glen Ellyn was a challenge because the movers had tracked in grease. worse yet, the home owners had decided to help us.

we chose a combination approach. first we vacuumed to remove the dry particulate.
then we put a brush on the bottom of our roto scrubber. after lightly wetting the carpet we scrubbed it with the brush to loosen things up. then we put the star assembly back on the roto and cleaned like we normally would.

a final once over with encap to seal the deal and the home owner of the carpet that needed cleaning in Glen Ellyn was thrilled. so were the techs who both got a $10.00 tip.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Upholstery cleaning in Hinsdale 2

Most fabrics respond well to a low moisture cleaning process. probably one of the best is ultra suede. not really leather, it's a composite of man made materials that comes off feeling as smooth as velvet. it's open faced. that means it's open to receiving dirt, doggie drool or whatever very easily.

It also lets go of soil just as easily.

low moisture, earth friendly chemicals, horse hair brushes and speed drying fans all come into play to restore the original beauty of ultra suede furniture. It just takes a little more time to raise the nap back up and groom the piece for final inspect.

when you need your leather or ultra suede cleaned in Hinsdale or Burr Ridge, give us a call.

Carpet Cleaning in Hinsdale, # 1

We were cleaning for a regular client in Hinsdale when the neighbor came over and asked us to take a look at his rugs.

they were huge area rugs, tuffed and purple and white. he also had bone white wool runners going up two flights of stairs.

wool is the best you can buy. there is nothing to compare to it. it's also the most difficult. Because the nature fibers absorb colors ,they also absorb dirt and hold on to it harder.

we hand cleaned the stairs with a low moisture product and put fans on it to speed dry things up nicely. we carpet smells like wet doggie. the area rugs were a bit more challenging. doggie accidents kept popping up. pretreating them with urine go away, cleaning and retreating them greatly improved things but not 100 %. sometime urine gets in and changes the carpet. the heat and the acid redye the rug and it ain't coming back.

for practical ideas how to remove pet accidents from your home visit our website and look for the spotting guide.

carpet cleaning glen ellyn, 4

Today we got the call to come and clean a town house in Glen Ellyn. the family was just moving in and were very excited about their new home.

It was a simple job, two bedrooms and two stair cases with the rest done in glowing hardwood.

the difficult part was where the former home owners had their four post bed. the square bottom left a brown mark that was extremely difficult to remove.

we had to use jellies and creams and stainless steel tools just to make a dent in the stains.
I'd like to tell you that it all came out but the truth is there was still just a bit of residue that would not budge.

when you put your wonderful wood bed in your bedroom put some plastic under the wood post. You may save yourself some permanent staining. Carpet cleaning in Glen Ellyn will be a lot easier for all of us if you do.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cleaning Ultrasuede in Glen Ellyn

We got the call. someone's dog had dribbled or peeded or worse, both on some wonderful ultra suede chairs.

this man made fabric is wonderful and usually cleans up well--usually. it also remember who touched it last and takes on that shape or impression. they should call it memory suede.

we cleaned it like we usually do and quickly dried it and it looked horrible. it retained every stroke of the brush or cleaning tool and looked like sick corduroy. so we cleaned it again and it happened again.

finally clevering up we knew how to finish the piece. the dirt and soil was gone it was the fabric's finish we were troubled about. we couldn't just tell the client, "your piece is cleaned and sanitized but looks terrible.

what we did was to go over it lightly with a treated cloth and feather the wet to the dry parts.

Little by little the dark turned to light and smooth surface. Home owner pleased. Dog pleased.
everyone went home happy.

Carpet Cleaning Burr Ridge 4

one of our regular clients who has a lovely home in Burr Ridge brought a special concern to our attention. actually, several concerns. first was the wine spill on their monstrously large wool rug in the great room.

then there was doggy drool on their ultra suede chairs. they'd put a towel down to protect our last cleaning on those pieces and the dog promptly scrubbed the towel off and got on the fabric.

The basement and stairs need cleaning again but his chief thing was the master bedroom carpet.

there were some serious traffic lanes in the bone white sculpted rugs, the sitting area with the arm chair and ottoman was hurting and a guest dog had marked the closet.

No of it was easy. the chairs would not behave, the wine was stubborn and the sitting chair had left rust marks and graphite in the carpets.

worst yet, my old nemesis mr. spot was back in the corner laughing at me.

we cleaned the upholstery in the usual low moisture method. finally go the wine spot out but tried a different tact on the carpets. encapsulation. a fairly new cleaning process.

The home owner was pleased, and my old nemesis all but vanished-- at least for now

Carpet cleaning Burr Ridge 3

We got the call to come clean carpets in Burr Ridge. The home, was huge and wonderful as many of the homes are. The area of concern was the basement and the step. what occurred to me as I walked through the home with the owner wasn't the huge size of the basement, it was how very many carpet cleaners she had clean for her in the past.

in three years she had had three cleaners. "did they do a good job?" well, the first one did an excellent job. the second one not so much. do you remember who did the first job? no. and she didn't want to remember the second guy.

One of the biggest failings of carpet cleaners in general is forgetting to stay in touch with their clients. we move heaven and earth to find a new customer then knock their sox off with great cleaning and then drop the ball with staying in touch.

We cleaned for her just doing our day to day 12 point system and she was thrilled.
Now it's up to us to stay in touch or it's back to the web for her next cleaner.
The next time we're in Burr Ridge Carpet Cleaning look for our bright sparkling vans.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carpet cleaning in Wheaton

We moved to wheaton after 20+ years in Lombard. we loved lombard and still do. we had the privilege of being asked to clean some of the homes for the recent Kiwanis club Lombard House walk so our hearts will probably always be there.

wheaton library is to die for. everyone is so helpful and kind. But we need to get back to the carpet cleaning in wheaton. We did a job for a man who's basement was a wreck. lots of staining, lots of smells. the thing about the basement is, being half underground it's a lot cooler down there and takes longer to dry. so we decided to go with a lower moisture system and it turned out to be a good call. every now and then a spot wicks back so you have less of that with the faster drying methods.

Carpet cleaning in Chicago

We don't do a lot of work in the city. there is plenty out here in the burbs. Nevertheless, we found ourselves in a lovely neighborhood near touhy and devon? It had a cozy tree lined atmosphere that made us think we were in Hinsdale. ravenswood?

the carpet in question was a nice thick plush rug with some very serious odors from their leonburger monster sized dog.

he woofed at us from his gated room. the homeowner assured us he was harmless. I'm certain he was but him strapping on a bib still left me a little disconcerted.

this large dog had a large bladder and we needed some large remedies. we applied our urine go away and nuked it and brought in fans. then just for good measure we did a topical when the over the areas of concern when the job was done.

we'll follow up in a day or three and find out if we need to come back and touch things up. they were so nice and the dog it turns out wasn't even hungry.

carpet cleaning in Plainfield

a pleasant family in Plainfield called and had a few rooms they'd like freshened up.

Plainfield is a lovely town and we love driving down to it on rt 59. you get the feeling you're in the country.

something unusual about this job, a robin kept buzzing us as we went in the front door. a mystery until the home owner asked us to look at the wreath at the front door. mama robin had made her nest in the top of the wreath at the front door. little babies lived in there.

well, we love mothers of all kinds and were especially careful not to disturb mama or her family.
oh, and the carpets? all but the worn out fibers in the traffic lanes looked wonderful. if you plan on cleaning your carpets once a year you can avoid those traffic lanes.

Carpet Cleaning glen ellyn 2

"Can you help clean up after my son's party?" we got a call because someone had too much fun in Glen Ellyn. some one's son. there was low nap carpet and wine and beer stains. to add to that, the dog had been peeing on the couches. Ouch. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no animal should be allowed to destroy a home. whether that animal is your son or your dog.

we went in with a strong deodorizer and finished with a low moisture cleaning process.

bottom line? do you really need to ask? she was thrilled and asked us to do one more sofa.

oh, when we were cleaning carpets in Glen Ellyn we brought in a black light so we could see where the areas of concern were. did you know that often urine shows up white under a black light?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Carpet Cleaning Bolingbook 2

The problem with having an office attached to a warehouse is those workers insist on walking on the carpets with those horrible greasy feet. we got another call to come out and do a demonstration in Bolingbrook. this time for another print shop. there are always surprises when you clean for a print shop.

this time is was the green ink buried in the base of the carpet. the green ink that was trapped and hidden underneath all that grit, dirt and grime.

after we nuked the rug and scrubbed it we dried it with fans and bonnets. that's when the green ink came up. wowzers what a challenge. we had to pull out some special tricks to overcome that one. bottom line? do you have to ask? the office manager had to touch the carpet to see was it dry or still wet? bone dry. how do you like your free 100 sf of clean carpet ma'am?

It's never looked this good before.

No ma'am it hasn't except when it was new. please ask your maintenance guy not to clean it any longer. he's leaving tons of soap in there that will make my job even tougher.

Happy Monday. Call us when you need killer carpet cleaning in your office in Bolingbrook.

office carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn.

once again we were taken up on or on going freebee offer, 100 sf. cleaned at no charge. this time it was an rehab shop in Glen Ellyn. the carpets could have been replaced they were so bad. But there was no money for that so they said, "come clean our office carpets in Glen Ellyn, IL. Yes ma'am.

we brought dynamite and a crane and needed them both for the heavy lifting. it took 4 times deep scrubbing to chisel through this soil and ground in dirt. then speed dry it so things don't wick back.

the office manager could not believe her eyes. that section looked new. better than new because there was no new glue smell put down.

when you're tired of renting the rug doctor and want real results. please call the office to arrange your free gift of 100 sf. of cleaning.

Happy Monday.

office carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn.

office carpet cleaning Bolingbrook

We had the opportunity to try out some new products one of our vendors gave us today.

works like magic. you'll be amazed. we set up to do our carpet cleaning in a small office in Bolingbrook, IL. they had been cleaning them in house and it looked like it.

we sprayed on the two parts of the new products and went over the carpets with a bonnet pad.
the carpet just laughed at us. what? are you kidding? is that what you brought to try and knock me out? it was like bringing a pea shooter to a war.

the product was a bust. we scrapped this magic and went old school scrubbing our brains out and rocking with the products we know. bottom line? there is a new sun rising in bolingbrook. it's shining out of that demonstration we just did.

sometimes the old ways are the best way. if you need serious carpet cleaning in Bolingbrook, please give us a call. we'd be thrilled to come out and give you a free demonstration.

Friday, May 6, 2011

carpet cleaning glen ellyn, 2

We stopped on a shop in Glen Ellyn and asked for the owners card. when we mention that we clean carpets the owners almost always tell us, "we're getting new carpets." yeah, when pigs fly.

so we sent a letter and they called back. okay, who doesn't want to have some carpets cleaned for free? the business owner did not what what a floor mat was. that was okay. I love a challenge.

when you see the before and after pictures on our site you may think i photoshopped a coal mine and some carpets together. truth be told I'm not so hot at photoshop. what we're hot at is cleaning carpets.

we went low moisture on this bad boy. the thing about carpet cleaning in Glen Ellyn, you gotta do it right because you really don't get a second chance. brushes and bonnets and orange based cleaning products to cut the oil tracked in from the driveway.

then lots of scrubbing and polishing and super fans to speed up the drying process and prevent the wicking.

Miracles do happen. Okay, it was science and not a miracle. But you gotta see those pictures.

happy friday.

Carpet cleaning West Chicago 2

one of our clients called us back. the work we'd done was great but a spot of two had come back and could we schedule a redo. Schedule? Ma'am we'll be out this afternoon. One of the things Beyond prides itself on is follow up after the sale. anyone can take your money. the really great companies are the ones who come back and touch things up till you're satisfied.

this is where many companies fall down. great on the pitch, lousy on the follow through.
One client needed us back 4 times. we finally were able to solve the problem. see, no one is perfect. that's why they put erasers on pencils. we strive to do our best on each job. sometimes it takes a little more. that's okay. we have more. If we treat you like you'd like to be treated you tell others and our business grows.

Bottom line on this Carpet cleaning job in West Chicago? we redid all three rooms at no charge and made sure she had a fresh pair of booties to walk on the carpet when we were done.

upholstery cleaning in Hinsdale

We were called to clean a sectional yesterday in Lombard. The homeowner and I had been talking about sharing business contacts and thought it would be a great way to see exactly what we do. I agreed so we set the date and came over to her home.

the sectional was a nice one. forest green ultra suede from Macy's. It had a scattered pattern of yogurt , cheese sticks, milk and spit up on it. very likely there was some doggie drool on it as well.

Ultra suede is a nice fiber. nice to touch. nice to clean up, if you handle it properly. the proper way is to thoroughly vacuum the piece after a careful inspection to be sure it in fact can be cleaned. after vacuuming we chose a citrus based product as a prespray, working it into the fibers to loosen up. low moisture cleaning tools flush the soil from the surface and the monster fans we brought in speed the drying time. final grooming after adding her choice of protectors and of course our guarantee, if things don't look right just call us and we'll come back and touch things up. bottom line. that couch is pristine and waiting for the kids and dog to do their thing once again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

carpet cleaning Wheaton 4

what is the proper way to clean a carpet in wheaton, IL?
it really depends on what you are looking for. if you just want a light touch up almost any method will do. if you need heaven and earth moved and want it done for free get a life because that ain't happening.

the people who fall for the $4.95 a room bait and switch gimmick are focusing only on price.
I don't care if their using the dirty water from the last job, I just want it cheap. I rent or i hate this carpet. since you get what you pay for, it's no surprise when the person coming out to do the cleaning says you need their special service and add ons and you end up paying more than you would to an honest cleaner.

carpet cleaning in Wheaton is what we do and we do it better than most. One carpet cleaner advertises "the best carpet cleaner in the world. then you try to leave a message and the automatic phone thingy doesn't work. maybe the best carpet cleaner should get the best answering service in the world?

we use a 12-16 step process to get your carpet cleaner than they've every been and we do it at a fair price. please don't fall for that old trick, we'll clean for $4.95 a room. They won't and you'll have to spend more money to hire someone else to do the job right.

carpet cleaning in Wheeling

the carpet was as bad as any i've ever seen. there was one worse and I refused to clean it.
replace it I told the owner. this one came close. dog pee, red kool aid, mystery stains and gianormous black spider who went tooth and nail against me and my vacuum cleaner. I finally took him but man it was a challenge.

the bible says a little ignoring here and there and soon your roof leaks. the same was true about this carpet cleaning job in Wheeling. only it was a lot of ignoring. I'm not sure they had a successful food fight in there but that's what I suspect.

we brought in the heavy guns and prespray and scrubbed and presprayed again and scrubbed again. we did this for two reasons. first, the more you scrub before cleaning, the easier the actual extraction is because the agitation really loosens things up. Secondly, if we do more scrubbing and use less water the carpets dry quicker and the home owner can get back to enjoying their home quicker.

the work was done. the client was seriously impressed. "the last cleaner couldn't get those stains out."

that's why we're here Ma'am.

Carpet cleaning West Chicago

The dog, a good judge of character would not stop barking at me as I went to clean for this family in West Chicago. it was a good looking dog. brown, smooth with nice big teeth.

I got the call from the man of the home. we'd met on a job and he wanted to give me a try.
I love working for new clients because it really gives me a chance to shine.

the carpets were a challenge because the dog with the big teeth was a family member in training and the training was hit or miss.

the carpets were rough. lots of stains, lots of dirt, lots of i'm not sure but I love a good challenge.
the before and after pix are up on my site.

More than just cleaning we had compassion on the family. when your home looks good you feel good about things. about life. we gave a little extra time and energy and the results were amazing.

The wife had two beautiful kids and it turned out the dog was all bark and no bite so that was a good thing.

case closed--till next time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

dog pee removal in west chicago

I cleaned for a lovely couple in West Chicago. they were a true family. The home owner's brother had just lost his wife, his home and his job. alls he had left was his brother and his family.
so this gracious man told his brother you bring your two dogs and you come live with us in West Chicago.

the home owner had just lost one of his own two dogs. it was a great big crazy happy family. except for the carpets. the carpets in this west chicago home were not happy. they were very sad.

the dog who passed away had left his legacy on the carpets everywhere. of course my camera was on the fritz so there goes the Pulitzer prize for most shocking carpets.

we had to walk on water to pull this one off. many chemicals, much agitation, much rinsing with clear water but when we were done it was a thing of beauty. I thot the husband was gonna kiss me. whoa. back off big fella. a check and a handshake will be just fine.

Pet accidents-Glen Ellyn, IL

Is Man's best friend your carpets worst enemy?

Fluffy was cute and adorable when you brought him home. what's not cute is the stains he's left on your carpet. You have every intention of training him but what to do till it all sinks in?

some people put down depends. some people give up. some people clever up and call a professional problem remover. No animal should be allowed to destroy your home. Let me repeat that. no animal should be allowed to destroy your home.

it's time for a change and it begins with you getting your life back. there are many many great pet trainers out there. if you need recommendation please just call our offices. one of the most frustrating things about solving the pet pee problem in any home is getting everyone on board with the program. "It's cruel to put that dog in a crate for 6 hours." some might say.

I say it's cruel to your spouse to ask them to live in a house where everything is peed on because you can bring yourself to ask for help training an out of control pet.

often i tell my clients even if I could give you brand new carpet and padding in Glen Ellyn, it would do no good because in six months things will be right back to where they are now. you need to train the pet or hire someone to train them. Call me when you want to get rid of the stains and odors. call a pro and interview a few when it comes to retraining the humans and pets in your home.

Carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn 1--Home invasion

today we're going to talk about home invasion of the worst kind. pollen, dust and allergins.

we went out to eat sunday. there were fresh flowers on the table. my wife was in awe that they were not bothering me as I am extremely sensitive to pollen. so much so that in spring and fall I suffer greatly. if i take a ton of pills I get medicine head. if i don't my nose is a faucet. what to do. what to do.

do you know what is the biggest filter your house has? it's not the one on your furance, which probably need changing. Its your carpet or area rugs. dust, dirt and yes dear reader, even pollen can become trapped in there and thats a good thing. if you only had hardwood or tile all that pollen would still come in the front door and through the screened windows. only with no rugs to trap it you kick it around and end up breathing it. Hooray for rugs.

You can improve your indoor air quality by having your carpets and rugs flushed out by a professional hot water extraction once a year. do this and those home invaders will be remove and we'll both breath a lot easier.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Carpet cleaning wheaton

How often should I clean my carpets?
that and how much to you charge are the two top questions we get asked.
the correct answer depends upon usage.

carpets that are used more gather more soil and need to be cleaned more frequently than offices with less foot traffic.

as a rule, you ought to consider cleaning your carpets every 12-18 months to flush out all the fiber destroying grit and sand that collects there.

what type of cleaning should i hire is also a big one. a man with integrity can probably do a good job with whatever system he owns. carpet manufacturer, Shaw Industries, the world's largest mfg. of flooring products recommends every 12-18 months hot water extraction to flush things out and give your carpets a fighting chance to survive.

More and more, especially with the new cleaning processes and amazing chemicals facility managers are opting for a monthly or quarterly cleaning. the cleaner only charges them a little each month after the major scrub down and things always stay beautiful , hence we have our stay beautiful program. call us today for more info.

commerical carpet cleaning Wheaton

there is a new addition to the carpet cleaner's arsenal, encapsulation. for years we've been told the best way to clean rug is scrub it down, rinse it out, dry it fast and pray it doesn't wick back.

must not be enough faith on the praying end because it always looks bad when it always wicks back. enter encapsulation. Encap, as it's know in the business is a relatively new process where the treatment is sprayed on the carpet fiber and worked in buy use of mechanical agitation. a revolving pad or bonnet or brush on the bottom of some kind of machine, usually and orbital.

the science behind encap is truly amazing. long thought to be just smoke and mirrors this process is quickly coming into its own and gaining the respect of established cleaners every where.

in a nutshell the chemical attaches to the carpet fiber envelopes any dirt on it and encloses it. fast drying agents evaporate the carrier and the dirt falls off the sides of the carpet fiber and falls to the bottom of the carpet where it is removed by vacuuming.

I have a friend who cleans an office in a steel fabrication plant. the carpets are beyond thunderdome. he encaps the office, they come out fantastic and stay cleaner longer than if he just did hot water extraction. that same friend cleans for some wendy's and has had the same results.

encap, once the bad boy bastard child of the cleaning world is quickly becoming the method of choice, especially when combined with hot water extraction.

commerical carpet cleaning Wheaton

one of the hardest things to do is to provide commercial carpet cleaning for our clients.
often, facility directors are caught between a rock and a hard place. they have limited resources and are charged among their many other duties, to keep the plant looking great and keep the carpets clean.

Never mind there is no money in budget. the board of directors is coming next week and this carpet has to look new. forget that we've never cleaned it in years, make this problem go away. your review is on the line.

so the director dials up someone from the net and crosses their fingers. Maybe it looks okay, maybe it's terrible but their out of time and that's the way the cookie crumbles.

there is a better way. read cleaner's reviews. allow enough time to interview them. ask for a sample of their work. why not? ask a few intelligent questions, are you certified. who will do the work at my place. who else have you worked for?

most importantly , trust your gut. you've made a value judgement of this person in the first five seconds of meeting them. most of the time that judgment is spot on. go with it.

does your spider senses tell you you can trust him/her. then you probably can. are you getting a get away from my energy? flee!