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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

carpet cleaning in Western Springs, IL for spring

here we are the last day of feb in a leap year. only comes around once every four years. if you have carpets to be cleaned in Western Springs you know how dirty then can get with this on again off again spring weather. if you have pets the problem is magnified.

Just the other day my two dogs decided it would be great fun to trowsel in the flower bed then come in and share their discovery. fire blood lawyers murder! it was amazing how two little terriers could track in all that mud.

but i suppose the floors and carpets and rugs needed cleaning anyway. so i forgave them and cleaned things up before my wife came home.

we have some unique ideas to help keep your home clean this spring if your pets are bringing in unwanted soil and dirt. just give us a call. the insights and advice are free.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

carpet cleaning in Western Springs, IL

lets face it, if you don't know much about cleaning you're in the dark on how to chose a cleaner.
everyone says they're the best but everyone simply cannot be the best. If you live in Western Springs IL you want real value for your buck.

some advertise low, low prices. typically you get low low quality for that low low price.

the laws of business simply exclude paying a little and getting a lot. they won't be in business if they give it away. plain and simple.

so how can you chose someone good to treat you fairly? ask your neighbors. your friends about their experience.

find someone who is certified in Western Springs , IL. some who's gone to school. and not 20 years ago. things change. methods change. people change. find someone who is current, fresh,

there are all kinds of way to clean carpets in Western Springs IL.. and a man with integrity can use any of them to do a fine job.

you've worked hard for your money and want real value. you should get it. certified, knowledgeable , hard working techs who know their stuff and give you real value for your money. also, go with your gut. if it looks like a fish and walks and smells like a fish, it ain't a duck. if you think the carpet cleaner you're interviewing is hinky, pass! there are a lot of carpet cleaners in Western Springs IL. take some time and you'll find some excellent ones.

How to choose a carpet cleaner in wheaton, IL

lets face it, if you don't know much about cleaning you're in the dark on how to chose a cleaner.
everyone says they're the best but everyone simply cannot be the best. If you live in wheaton, IL you want real value for your buck.

some advertise low, low prices. typically you get low low quality for that low low price.

the laws of business simply exclude paying a little and getting a lot. they won't be in business if they give it away. plain and simple.

so how can you chose someone good to treat you fairly? ask your neighbors. your friends about their experience.

find someone who is certified in Wheaton, IL. some who's gone to school. and not 20 years ago. things change. methods change. people change. find someone who is current, fresh,

there are all kinds of way to clean carpets in wheaton, IL.. and a man with integrity can use any of them to do a fine job.

you've worked hard for your money and want real value. you should get it. certified, knowledgeable , hard working techs who know their stuff and give you real value for your money. also, go with your gut. if it looks like a fish and walks and smells like a fish, it ain't a duck. if you think the carpet cleaner you're interviewing is hinky, pass! there are a lot of carpet cleaners in wheaton, IL. take some time and you'll find some excellent ones.

help, my dog won't stop peeing on my carpets in western springs.

dogs pee. dogs pee on carpets. dogs pee on carpets in western springs. drag of drag. that cute little puppy is turning out to be an untrainable monster.

stop. don't shoot the dog. there is hope. just because you're great at many things doesn't mean you living in Western Springs makes you an expert at caring for a dog. maybe you need a little help?

there are tons of great pet trainers close by. give me a call and I'll be glad to recommend several.
if a dog is peeing on the carpets there's a reason for it. maybe he's acting out. maybe he has an infection, but what ever the reason there is hope. don't give up hope in western springs.

give us a call and we can talk you down from the ledge. we've been there our selves.

dog urine western springs

has it ever happened to you? you walk down the hall and your foot lands in something wet. "must be someone stepped out of the shower?" then you recall, no one is around to leave wet foot prints but your dog is slinking around the corner?

what's up with that in western springs? you love em and feed em and treat em right and they reward you with a wet sock. where is the love? Not in your sock thats for sure.

what to do what to do? first blot don't rub the spot. rubbing spread it. do you have a wet vac?
perfect, start with that. no wet vac? bummer but we can still do somethings. get an absorbant terry cloth towel and blot up the excess. then flood the area with 10% white vinegar 90% water. mop it up with dry towels and blot some more. finally put a fan on it and double up another towel and put some books on it. as the carpets dry the wet fibers will wick up into the towel along with much of the remaining urine. if you find a problem beyond your ability then call us.

cat urine in carpet removal in western springs, IL

You're either a cat person, or a dog person. or both.
our pets give so much to enrich our lives.

sometimes they give too much. sometimes something like a urinary tract infection causes your normally well behaved pet to start marking and peeing all over your home.

what can you do?

Plenty. first off know for the most part your pet is just as unhappy about this accident as you are. that's good. they're not doing it for spite. maybe they just can't help it.

and then again my own dog, when i told him "no." pushed the gate at the bottom of the stairs open, ran to the second floor and peed right outside my bedroom door. lucky i had the door shut or i might have a prize where i lay my head.

cat urine in western springs is for some reason, harder than dog pee. there is something in it that defies most efforts of the consumer. we've found the most effective way is to first make sure the home owner is on board with "the cat does not go into this room again." if you're not willing to set and keep some rules why are you bothering to have us come out and clean anything up. the animal is just going to pee again and you don't have the stones to do anything about but complain.

get rid of the animal and get a fish. a wind up one.

but if you're willing to make some basic changes we can help you get the cat wiz out of your carpets in western springs.

dog pee in carpets removal In Western springs

sometimes mans best friend is your carpets worst enemy.

Dogs are funny characters. i have two dogs. two lakeland terriers. the one is calm, the other a rescue walks around growling. both are sweet but sometimes they leave me prizes at my front of back door. they refuse to poop outside in the cold when it's just so cozy to take a dump in side and let their den mates clean things up.

we clean a lot of carpets in western springs. some of the realtors like us and recommend us and we try very hard not to let them down. but first things first. if you dog, out of the blue starts peeing in the house you need to find out why. then we can address the staining and odor problems.
what i tell my clients is this. "even if i could give you new carpet and padding today in western springs, if you don't come up with a workable solution to stopping your animal from peeing then this problem will just continue.

putting up gates or keeping them in tiled areas is not cruel. no animal should be allowed to destroy your home. that's worth repeating. no animal should be allowed to destroy your home.

we can take care of most urine or poop problems but lets start at the beginning by modifiying things so they don't do it again. sometime the animal needs training. sometimes it's the homeowner. either way, we have resources to encourage you. there is hope!

Carpet cleaning in Wheaton

Wheaton is our home base so we take a lot of pride in working for our neighbors and friends who live in town. the drive is less so we can get their quicker without the trip hassles.

Wheaton clients love their dogs. unfortunately sometimes their dogs don't love their carpets.we have special tools to show exactly where an animal has had an accident or continually pees.

sometimes its obvious. sometimes not so much. either way we can usually do something to save them replacing the carpets.

we have a multi step process that usually takes care of most concerns. however ,not all of them.
sometimes there is a red spot from kool aid or something and no matter what we do, that spot just isn't gonna move.

drag of drags to be sure but when the acids in the pop or Popsicle dye the carpet it's all but impossible to remove them without redying that spot. and then if if doesn't 100% match the client is mad at us so we just don't redye or guarantee red spots removal.

Tile and grout cleaning in Western springs IL

a client asked us to bid on cleaning some tile and grout in western springs, IL. we love doing the work but had to preface her request with one of our own.

"before we give you a bid, let us do something for free, a free demo."

truth be told we are never sure what we're getting into when we clean tile and grout in western springs? some of it cleans like a dream and they think we are miracle workers. some of it is old and loose and shatters when you look at it and then they want to hang it on us.

so a test drive of the worst section is in order. you get to see exactly what we can do with no cost or risk involved. we get to find out exactly what it will take to make your floors look sparkling new so we can bid accordingly. good deal for both eh?

carpet cleaning western springs

we love western springs. home of Kirshbaum's bakery and my old high school. never got the chance to make out in spring rock park like so many of my contemporaries in high school but still have found memories of running cross country there.

we've found whenever we clean carpets for a home in western springs the client is always a bit more up beat than the average. their homes are well lit and spacious and for the most part have a positive, can do attitude.

we clean wool carpets and a lot of nylon and for some reason seem to enjoy doing the work in this town a lot more than in others.

not sure why. maybe the people are just more positive. or maybe it's just kirchbaumbs?

groupon and living social deal

anyone besides me discovering that perhaps living social and groupon may not be the best way to get and keep quality clients? I love sushi and when i finally found a local one that offered sushi at a discount i purchased their offer.

the food was excellent and the chief was amicable. I've found a new favorite place. but i suspect i'm in the minority here. we cleaned for a new client on one of the discount deals and totally rocked his world. he was in danger of not getting his deposit back because quite frankly he and his roommate were total pigs.

he could not believe what we did for him and after stating so i asked him did he think he would be calling us for service in the future or just finding another low price guy.
"Probably another low price guy."

Dude, you're honesty proves my point. groupon and L.S. ask you to discount your service to the tune of 50+ percent. the premise is, you give away your service and introduce prospective clients to your wonders and they will become your customers at full price.

we've been doing these offers for going on a year and have not had one discount client sign up for full price service.

we do amazing work but that seems to matter not at all. what matters is the lowest price.
whether we clean in a palace or a shot gun shack. in truth some people are so creepy we are glad when they lie to us and say, "okay I've got your number and we''' call if we need anything else."

really? wow. thanks but no thanks. you're mean and creepy and cheap and resent that you had to give me anything at all. you found all kinda things wrong with my work and complained and why would i want to ever see you again? duh?

word on the street is that merchants are discovering that the discount offer is really only good for the guy behind the computer who puts out nothing but bits and bites while we provide the goods and services, the labor to produce those goods and then get to try and up sell them on dessert or scotch guard to try and make the encounter profitable.

i do a hundred dollars worth of cleaning for 50.00. groupon takes half so i still have the costs to produce the 100.00 worth of work but I get to do for 25 bucks. I need to start my own groupon or living social because after almost a year of doing this and hundreds of sales it's dawning on me that this like like trying to beat the house in vegas. it just aint gonna happen.

Monday, February 6, 2012

green carpet cleaning in wheaton

does using parsley oil, shea butter and orange oil make you green?

No. but it does mean the products you use with these things in them will in all likely hood not get you as sick as something with chemicals you cannot pronounce in them in it.

caring for our clients is just as important as caring for our techs and supervisors. or as one sage put it, if mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy.

we want to be environmentally sound. we want to clean like there is no tomorrow. it's a brand new year and we're looking for better answers.

environmental cleaning in Wheaton #5

We cleaned some carpets recently for a mom who was very concerned about the type of products we used, an lasting residues and a hundred other environmental concerns.

it was a welcome change of pace to be able to tell her all the exciting things we're both learning and applying.

for example, did you know there is no such thing as green cleaning. no one knows exactly what it means or how you do it but everyone is suddenly green and heaven help you if you don't say you are--even if you don't know what it means.

we use products as safe as possible. truth be told we have to work with them six days a week and we don't want to get cancer any more than you do.

but sometimes the parsley oil just wont cut the bacon grease or the dog poo in your rugs.

for that you need big guns and we've got em.

we also clean with clear hot water and rinse everything out.

Nice to know you're dealing with professionals who are at least every bit concerned about health and the environment as you are.

carpet cleaning discounts on groupon

Groupon came in like a lion. it's changed the face of commerce but whether for good or bad remains to be seen.

we've offered groupon offers. clean a bunch of carpets at give away prices to introduce new clients to our services. the hopes like everyone who goes with groupon or living social or any of the many discount services is that once you try us and see how good we are you'll want us back at the regular price.

Maybe you will. maybe you'll want to just go with another give away priced cleaner every time.

I bought a discount sushi offer. It was great, the chief was very personable and i now have a new favorite sushi shop. Chief Soon in maple ave in Lisle, IL. very nice. please try it.

I wouldn't have found him if he didn't offer the deal. but I'll confess, it spoils me. I love to shop and don't mind wasting some time looking for what ever i need.

So, will i only shop at sushi shops on sale?

Nope. found an all you can eat sushi shop. it took me twice to figure out they were a bad deal. giant loafs of rice, gossamer thin slices of sushi and not very fresh. you ate the eel at your own peril. horrible. you get what you pay for.

we all want a deal. it's great. but if the only way anyone can sell is at a 75% mark down while online vendor take the lions share, while we put up the sushi and rug sucking then we lose everything while another vendor ignores what's happening and steps up for his turn.

I suppose the goal is to get enough loyal clients so you don't have to give your stuff away.
in this economy it still is possible but it'll take a whole lot more work than it used to.

environmental cleaning #4

Clients are more concerned these days about what cleaners are bringing into their homes to do their work.

Beyond is not satisfied with the status quo. for years we been experimenting and changing our own cleaning compounds to come up with products and tool that are user friendly and safer for our planet.

Just today we were long distance conferencing with a major manufacturer of carpet cleaning machines and discussing ways to make the machine both more efficient and to cause less operator fatigue.

we're working with orange oils, lemon oils, nature fibers and parsley oil to come up with products that contain no harmful chemicals and are still effective in removing soils.

every day someone new comes up and tells us their product is absolutely that. most sadly are not even as the stuff we were using 2-3 years ago.

we're still searching, trying, creating our own compounds even. our products are safer and more effective than most. but that's not good enough. stay tuned.

environmental cleaning #3

clients ask us if the products we use are safe for the environment. will they harm their kids or pets or themselves.

to answer this question is to ask a dozen more. there are a lot of supplies jumping on the clean and green bandwagon. heaven help you if you're not both because you'll get lost in the dust.

a simple straightforward answer is this. we don't know everything. we are constantly searching for the products that are both safe and effective. one of our major vendors was concerned about environmental issues and reformulated their products to be unbelievable safe.
they were also unbelievably ineffective.

we all switched over to the competitor.

they swung back the other way and got it right. great products and safe for the environment.
but the lesson learned is an important one. go too far too fast and you might be surprised there is no one following you.

Our approach is to try new items in limited runs and see what the results are. are we able to formulate some of these things our selves or or substitute a simpler compound to do the same job. it's a work in progress but we're all about giving our client the best service and supplies possible.

environmental cleaning #2

Cleaning for the environment is vital if we're going to have a future to give to our children.
from recycling, to using the greenest products to even going so far as to issue stainless steel refillable water bottles to all the drivers on all the trucks to reduce the amount of plastic bottles we purchase and reduce our carbon foot print. small steps. Yes, but steps in the right direction.

we are learning more about green cleaners and using greener product than we did 10 or even 5 years ago.

Parsley oils, lemon and orange oils, natural surfactants and environmentally friendly boosters and additives. It's not rocket science. it's common sense and we all need to do our part.

when we come to clean for you be assured you are getting the best, freshest product available with the proper combination of cleaning agents and good conscience towards the environment.

we don't have all the answers but we're willing to learn and find new solutions to age old problems. Join us and tomorrow our kids will have a better, brighter future.

environmental cleaning #1

a lot of our clients are growing more concerned about their indoor air quality (IAQ) and want to make sure they are doing all they can to keep the inside of their homes as chemical free as possible. to that end Beyond is constantly searching and trying out green chemicals and products that are both renewable and sustainable.

we work with the products we use in your homes and offices 6 days a week and are exposed to them much more than any of our clients ever would be.

finding the safest, most effective products is just as doing a great job on your home's furnishings.
Do we have all the answers? No. No one does. But we're constantly going back to school, attending trade shows and talking with vendors and end users to continually refine what we have and what you use to give you the cleanest clean you've ever had.