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Friday, August 5, 2011

Carpet & Furniture cleaning in Glen Ellyn 8

A big storm rolled in the other day. Our two dogs don't like storms. it makes them think the end of the world is coming and maybe they've been bad doggies afterall.

Logan, the rescue up from TX is the worst. He howls and runs around outside barking at God and his thunder, then comes in an shakes like you wouldn't believe. often there is peeing involved with scared animals.

submission peeing, fear peeing, I'm happy to see you peeing, just for the heck of it peeing.
Dogs and cats find it easy to find relief in our homes. carpet cleaning in Glen Ellyn with Pee in it is one thing. animals peeing on your cushions is another. it's take special tools and the desire to really get the pee out. cleaning carpets in glen ellyn? look no further.

carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn 7 coffee spills

We were cleaning some furniture for a regular client in Glen Ellyn when someone asked about the fabric seats in her car.

Yes ma'ma, we can clean this too. We found a nice shady spot and she took most of the trash out of her car. We prepped and prescrubbed the upholstery and cleaned it with a light mist and quick drying.

then something happened. a stain that wasn't there in the back seat formed before our eyes. a big stain. the former owner had spilled a coffee with a lot of cream in it and had just blotted the surface. when we got the fibers damp the old stain reappeared. Lots of extraction, drying and blotting and rinsing later the stain was gone baby gone for good. We saw the car a day later and it was completely fine.

Coffee is a hard one. there are special chemical you need to learn how to use to avoid destroying the fibers. our last order we placed with our vendor was for 4 full cases of coffee remover. Carpet cleaning in Glen Ellyn often has coffee or urine stains in it. When someone launches a Starbucks across your Berber makes sure your very next call is to us.

carpet cleaning Glen Ellyn 6 spots that come back

We got the call for one of our Regulars in Glen Ellyn. He had moved across town and his new basement carpets was a disaster--he thought. Tan Berber with horrible dark spots and stains and maybe a urine spot of two. The thing about the carpet cleaning in this basement in Glen Ellyn is basements take longer to dry. they're half underground and no matter what you do they are cooler than the rest of the house and take longer to dry.

Longer drying times means more of a chance to wick back spots and stains.

Since the client still had his old home for rent we cleaned his basement carpets, set up fans and left them run while we went back and cleaned his old place.

came back to pick up the fans and sure enough some spots were wicking back.

we recleaned them and assured him we wouldn't abandon him.

three days later he left a message--spots reappeared.

so did we, touched them up and gave him a free bottle of unlimited refills spotter.
Carpets cleaning in Glen Ellyn. it's all good and case closed.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

carpet cleaning wheaton 11, clean up after the flood

we get quite a few calls for carpet cleaning in Wheaton after a flood. people in Wheaton have finished basements and that means carpets full of water when that sump pump fails.

if you need a good plumber I know one or two. if your basement flood please do not freak out.
we've been doing this a long, long time and have never lost a basement yet.

you should know mold can begin to grow within 72 hours after a flood comes into your home so you want to get us over asap to get the water out of the carpet, padding and walls.

we do it with the carpet and pad still in place. believe it or not some of the largest restoration companies still rip out the padding because they know everything there is to know about this subject and never went back to school and found out there are new and better ways of doing something. we continually go back to school because things change and we want to change with them and not get left behind.

if someone else cleaned up the water in your wheaton carpeted basement call us to clean and sanitize the dry carpets. with our 16+ step process we'll knock your socks off and give you the cleanest clean you've ever had.

carpet cleaning wheaton, 10 pet odors

I have two dogs. a good one and a bad one. the good one is cool with thunderstorms. the bad one is, well, he's bad. He pees on my carpets and tells me his brother did it when I know it just isn't so. He gets a lot of exercise during a storm. running and barking and peeing his fool head off.

Maybe you have a dog like this? maybe he's left you a present or six on your livingroom rug?

we remove pee from carpets professionally. sometimes I think I'd like to remove that bad dog professionally, but just like you, I'm an old softy for his big black eyes.

It hurt to have to do your own house but i know a guy.

if you dog is leaving you presents and it's not even your birthday call us.
we have answers.

carpet cleaning wheaton 9 dog pee

a client asked us to give her a price for cleaning both her home and office.

we gave her a demo on the commercial carpets and walked her home looking for areas of concern.

there were plenty. her doggie was doing the dirty behind her back. our special tools revealed all and showed her where all the bodies were buried.

carpet cleaning in Wheaton is both rewarding and challenging. first you have to discover just how bad it really is. then come up with workable solutions to the problem. solutions the client will actually do and not just say they will.

No animal should be allowed to destroy your home.
let me repeat that. no animal should be allowed to destroy your home.

we gave her a price, did the job as only we can and came back in a few days just to see if everything was fine. touch ups are just part of the job and we'll come back up to a week just to make sure everything is great.

doggies can be both mans best friend and your carpets worst enemy. call us for workable solutions.

carpet cleaning wheaton8

someone found us on the internet today. they needed their basement carpets in wheaton cleaned and sanitized. their old dog had been up to old tricks. why go outside when my den mates will clean things up here. or not, it's all good.

except for the smell and odor.

we explained to the housesitter our process to clean the owners wheaton carpets and she related it to the owner.

we got the go ahead and proceeded to tread carefully. this was a bone white berber with huge doggie spots. too much moisture and those stains were coming back and so were we. too little and we don't remove anything.

trial and error, cautiously we proceeded to clean like there was no tomorrow.

bottom line? do you have to ask? we gave them a free bottle of unlimited refills spotter and headed to our next job.

cleaning furniture in Wheaton

"Are you sure you don't just want to buy another couch?"

My friend Jackson got a deal on an old ultra suede couch. it was in great physical condition but wowzers was it dirty. it had been stored, I think in the bottom of a coal mine for a year or ten.

it had dirt in places I didn't know could hold dirt but I love a challenge.

we put it up on horses in his garage and worked on it after hours. You'd have to bring something like this in to your home in the dead of night.

there was something strange across the seats. Like someone had placed masking or duct tape across there and pulled it up leaving the mastic.

bottom line? with Jackson's help everything came out all good. except for the fact his daughter got married and snagged the pristine white sofa. I hope it's happy in CO.

Carpet Cleaning Wheaton 7

Our first job up on Sat was for a move out. Town houses in Wheaton have to be pristine in perfect condition before the landlord gives you back your security deposit.

We love almost empty homes because we crank up the truck mounted monster out there and can really get the job done. there were one or two areas of concern but no real major disasters.

Pre inspect, prevacuum, pretreat, prescrub, hot water extract, rinse, repeat. our 12 + step process gives you the cleanest clean you've ever had. The clients were thrilled and the carpets looked great.

the only bummer was getting a call half way to our next job. we'd forgotten one of our tools and had to come back. Life goes on. carpet cleaning in Wheaton.

Tile and grout cleaning in Wheaton.

It was time for MaryJo B. to have her tile and grout cleaned again. We clean for her every year and have been doing so for more years than I can count.

MJ designed and built her own home. it's lovely and large. Wheaton Homes are some of the nicest with the some of nicest carpets I've ever had the privilege to clean. Mary Jo's tile is off white. her grout is gleaming white. at least it's supposed to be.

they have a huge yellow lab. Mutsy is a big baby with hippo sized paws that just fill up the tile and grout with dirt, sand and grime.

It took longer than usual because the soil in the mud room was stubborn and didn't want to leave. we even had to come back and touch up a few spots we missed.
bottom line? The grout is gleaming white and pristine again. Mutsy? He needs to learn to walk on his toes.

Wheaton carpet cleaning 7

Madge J., a regular client called me with an unusual problem. One of her relatives is getting older and had messed up one of her two very costly bone white chairs.

the fabric was pristine white with frills and stuff. right in the middle was the accident.
there was no hiding it. worse, because the fabric was so delicate we had to strike a balance between removing the stain and abrading the fibers.

No easy task so we erred on the side of caution. horse hair brush, neutral cleaner and more patience than Job's turkey. You know about Job's turkey don't you? he was so poor he had to lean up against a fence to gobble.

Of course Madge was concerned that I get the stain out so she buttered me up and said something silly about the "master at work." yowzers! how am i gonna live up to that nonsense?

bottom line? of course I got the stain out with no traces. How could I not when she lays that master baloney on me.

Carpet and furniture cleaning in Wheaton? at your service. But keep the baloney in the fridge please.

carpet cleaning wheaton 6

We do a lot of carpet cleaning in Wheaton. Wheaton is our home town and it's only natural to call a home town boy.

this latest job involved the cutest little poodle you ever saw--with the weakest bladder.

The carpet on this job was pretty much piddled on throughout the home. we walked in with our special equipment and discovered where the bodies were buried. one room was so bad the homeowner just closed the door and didn't allow us in. "I know that room is bad. Don't waste your time."

I bugs me knowing there are dirty carpets in Wheaton and people try to clean it themselves. there are a lot of things you can do yourself, bake bread, tune a car or a fish, but unless you know your stuff you can mess up your carpets big time and void the warrantee.

Wheaton carpet cleaning in these fine homes needs a skilled, certified cleaner. that's us. with 20+ years experience we have the skills, tools and patience to give you the cleanest clean you've ever had.

carpet cleaning Wheaton5

Vince called us again. He has a nice home in the western suburbs. Wheaton is a great town to live in because there is so much going on. You've got one of the best libraries in the county with Librarians who actually smile and have a pleasant word to say. You've got all the great parks and of course Grahams Chocolates and the penny candy store. No wonder people want to move here. Vince and his beautiful bride bought a new home and the basement carpets needed some real attention.

one of the problems with basements is they are half underground and take longer to dry. if you use too much water it's three days. don't use enough and the stains don't come out.

we came up with a unique solution to his cleaning needs. light prespray, heavy scrubbing with almost no water, repeat, then light rinse, towel dry and force speed dry with fans.

while we were waiting for his carpets to dry we went over and cleaned his entire condo where he used to live. they couldn't sell it and are renting it so it's all good.

when we came back to pick up the fans a few spots wicked back. we touched them up and everyone goes home happy.

carpet cleaning in wheaton can be a challenge but with the right tools and 20+ years of experience even a blind dog sometimes finds a bone.