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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Carpet Cleaning in Oak Park # 1

We got the call to come to Oak Park to clean some carpets and rugs. It was part of our latest Groupon offering. The home was four stories going straight up. Her concerns were her daughters room and the stairs. they had a big labridoodle who had a few accidents.

Our biggest challenge was not carpet cleaning, it was the stairs. one of two sets of stairs we handle ever day. four flights was a killer. we'd get all the way to the top and realize we forgot something back in the truck. many things.

then it started to rain. big time. once you're soaked you can only get so wet so we slogged though the rain and cleaned the carpets. then a valve opened by it self in our truck and we lost pressure.

back down 4 flights and closed the valve. back up 4 flights. no pressure. back down. now a hose burst. bummer. we swapped it out and rocked again. It was as if the forces of the unseen, and not the good ones, were working against us.

tempers flared as carpets took on new life.

the final capper was this beige wool area rug in the dining room. very soiled. very dirty. "I don't know if i should have it cleaned or throw it out." she told us.

Please let us try. It won't cost much and you can always throw it out later if you're not happy.

we pulled out all the stops and got it really clean. so much so she marveled at our handiwork.

Next time we go to Oak Park to clean, we'll try to pick a client with an elevator.

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