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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Yarp the Yipe

Yarp the Yipe

I know a dog. Could be anyone's dog. Your dog. Her dog, their dog but i know this dog.

Usually a good dog. A nice doggie. But every now and then this mutt is not so nice. Starts out nice but then makes a wrong turn at don't pee over there lane and the next thing you know you got odor deluxe going on.  It's stinks like someone had a polar bear in their basement all winter and didn't know about it.

How did this happen to me? I’m a good person. I don’t cheat on my taxes. How did a get a dog or cat with bladder issues and a proclivity to anoint my drapes?

We got a dog one time. Let’s call him Yarp on accounta he’s laying at my feet and if he reads this my ankles are within striking distance.  So Yarp came to us from Texas. He was a rescue who barked with a southern twang. Woof woof Y’all.

So I went down to O’hare or Midway, I forget which to pick him up and there is this scrawny black thing standing shivering in his crate.  After finally convincing the clerk I was in fact not the po po I got the Yarp and loaded him and the crate up and brought him home. 

We already had one dog and he did not want to share us so we started out with that strike against us or Yarp depending on how you look at it.   I opened the crate and the black flame leaped out like the devil was chasing him with one of those stabby forks. He raced up the stairs, pushed the master bedroom door open and lifted the leg on my beautiful expensive drapes.

How did he know what room to try and establish his superiority over?  After giving him the right foot of fellowship I cleaned the drapes and kept my bedroom door shut. More than once Yarp has been unhappy with a real estate or oilrig purchase I’ve made and has acted out writing his displeasure in the carpet.

So while I am an excellent carpet cleaner I’m not as good a pet trainer as maybe you are. Or the dog whisperer. Either one.

The worst in coming home and finding out Yarp had a bad day.  No one pays me to clean that up and it’s the worst.

Till next time call us Hinsdale Carpet cleaning. Burr Ridge pet odor removal.  Clarendon Hills pet stain removal. Oak Brook pet accident clean up.  630 932 8004

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