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Sunday, February 26, 2012

groupon and living social deal

anyone besides me discovering that perhaps living social and groupon may not be the best way to get and keep quality clients? I love sushi and when i finally found a local one that offered sushi at a discount i purchased their offer.

the food was excellent and the chief was amicable. I've found a new favorite place. but i suspect i'm in the minority here. we cleaned for a new client on one of the discount deals and totally rocked his world. he was in danger of not getting his deposit back because quite frankly he and his roommate were total pigs.

he could not believe what we did for him and after stating so i asked him did he think he would be calling us for service in the future or just finding another low price guy.
"Probably another low price guy."

Dude, you're honesty proves my point. groupon and L.S. ask you to discount your service to the tune of 50+ percent. the premise is, you give away your service and introduce prospective clients to your wonders and they will become your customers at full price.

we've been doing these offers for going on a year and have not had one discount client sign up for full price service.

we do amazing work but that seems to matter not at all. what matters is the lowest price.
whether we clean in a palace or a shot gun shack. in truth some people are so creepy we are glad when they lie to us and say, "okay I've got your number and we''' call if we need anything else."

really? wow. thanks but no thanks. you're mean and creepy and cheap and resent that you had to give me anything at all. you found all kinda things wrong with my work and complained and why would i want to ever see you again? duh?

word on the street is that merchants are discovering that the discount offer is really only good for the guy behind the computer who puts out nothing but bits and bites while we provide the goods and services, the labor to produce those goods and then get to try and up sell them on dessert or scotch guard to try and make the encounter profitable.

i do a hundred dollars worth of cleaning for 50.00. groupon takes half so i still have the costs to produce the 100.00 worth of work but I get to do for 25 bucks. I need to start my own groupon or living social because after almost a year of doing this and hundreds of sales it's dawning on me that this like like trying to beat the house in vegas. it just aint gonna happen.

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