We unflood basements. Yeah, I know that's not a word but I just made it one so it's okay. we dry out wet basements. a lot of people tell me when your carpet gets wet you have to pull out the pad and put fans under the rug to dry things out.
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG WRONG!!!!!!! you getting the idea yet? that idea was right six years ago. today it is wrong.
the people who tell you you have to pull out your pad learned this years ago and never went back to school. drying school if they went at all.
with today's technologies, we are able save the carpet and padding in place in a class one water loss. if you have sewage then according to industry standards and the EPA then everything goes except the most expensive wool rugs which can be saved if dipped, cleaned and dipped again in bacteria kill.
we have the latest certifications in water removal. we attend structural drying seminars. we know our stuff. we buy the newest, strongest and best equipment possible and we stay by the stuff till your home is completely restored to pre flood conditions.
equipment: just like every other vendor, I have access to any equipment I want to buy. Buy is the optimal word here. some rent their equipment. they get whatever cheap crap is still sitting around and figure the client won't know any better. but I'll know. many vendors only care about renting as many fans as possible so they buy the cheapest crap made and stick it in your basement and bill as high as they can. at Beyond Carpet Cleaning, we'll treat you better than that.
I got rid of my old stuff years ago. sold it to other water restoration people and they were glad to get it. I want the good stuff for your home. I want the best stuff, the most powerful. why?
it works better? case in point? I did a dry out job that should take me a week. With newer, more powerful fans, and state of the art dehumidifiers I got those people bone dry in four days, shaving off three day and a bucket load of money. we buy the best to give you the best.
and we only keep it for so long, then we sell this perfectly good used equipment to other vendors and buy newer stuff. crazy? yeah, maybe, but we both know there are improvements coming out all the time. why settle for something that was state of the art 10 years ago? art and the state have changed in ten years bucko. the newer stuff works better so we rotate our equipment and restock with the best, newest stuff.
got off track there. back to wet padding. in spite of what everyone tells you or what you found out on the internet, you do not need to pull out the pad to dry your basement. they are dealing with old knowledge, old tools and old skills. come to think of it, do you really want them doing your restoration work?
call us at Beyond. we're certified. we go back to school all the time and find out what is true today. we will not abandon you. we'll get you back to preflood conditions as fast as possible and we'll do it without ripping up your padding in the process.
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